Originally posted by Haleef
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4R-ALA/B/C were refurbished with new J class and Y cabin anyways - it was only 4R-ALD that needed the new product and now that is completed as per ur update.
basically a332 4R-ALA/B/C/D each have 18 J and 251 Y with avod in J and Y still with loop system IFE but still with new interior setting.
a332 4R-ALH/J have new AVOD in both J and Y.
so its just 4R-ALG which still hasn't received the interior upgrade and my assumption is becz when UL took delivery of 4R-ALG, they said it's on a 5 yr dry lease and the age of the ac was 9.6 yrs back then. The present age is 13.7 yrs or some thing similar.
hence in a few months time this ac will be out of UL fleet I assume which is 9.6 yrs + 5 yr lease term = 14.6 yrs (present age is 13.7yrs).
amongst UL a343 it's only 4R-ADE/F which has new J and Y AVOD product.
ex CX a343 4R-ADG still in old interiors and I remember in the CAPA analysis of sri lankan airlines it mentioned UL won't refurbish 4R-ADG as the old First and Buisness prdt of cx is a marketing advantage for UL Tokyo narita services (being able to sell tickets at high fares or something)