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  • Former President, Mahinda Rajapaksa, spent more than Rs. 785 million within three years to charter SriLankan Airlines aircraft for his visits abroad,

    Former President, Mahinda Rajapaksa, spent more than Rs. 785 million within three years to charter SriLankan Airlines aircraft for his visits abroad, documents


    • @AirCeylon

      I feel your pain - UL should be a profitable Airline. Instead we have a total clusterf*ck

      I also watched things turn to sh*t after the GOSL took over the Airline. I know it's frustrating watching a good company being destroyed by a bunch of Jokers and Clowns.

      The only thing that made working at UL worthwhile was the large group of dedicated staff who did the best they could under impossible conditions. I'm proud to have worked with such dedicated, honest and honourable people. I'm even prouder to call some of them my friends.

      At the end of the day - all I was able to do was to make sure that my flights were operated in a safe and efficient manner. My record at the Airline speaks for itself.

      AirCeylon - Take pride in the knowledge you did your job to the best of your abilities.

      Originally posted by banuthev View Post
      Former President, Mahinda Rajapaksa, spent more than Rs. 785 million within three years to charter SriLankan Airlines aircraft for his visits abroad,
      Just ran the numbers - they seem to be on the low side. I think UL absorbed some of the costs associated with these flights. I think some costs must have been paid by other parties.

      200+ 5* hotel rooms @400/night already comes to $80,000/night.

      A340 operating cost is between $12,000 - $15,000 for every flight hour.

      The article misses the flight to the British Virgin Islands to try and get the Commonwealth Games for Hambantota.

      My info is that this flight included a dance troupe and a toddy stand (WTF?).

      My info is that the entire Lisbon/Cuba/Rio/Jo'Berg flight was flown with a UL aircraft. It was gone for almost 2 weeks. Complete crews had to be positioned to Lisbon and Johannesberg. This comes from one of the people who flew a part of this trip.

      While it's good this is being exposed - it's just another in a long list of corruption and abuse of power. Nothing is done with the information.

      When is there going to be a full investigation and some accountability

      (Apologies for the language - you may have noticed this is a subject I feel strongly about!)
      Always fly a stable approach - it's the only stability you'll find this business


      • Originally posted by ejanson65 View Post

        I feel your pain - UL should be a profitable Airline. Instead we have a total clusterf*ck

        I also watched things turn to sh*t after the GOSL took over the Airline. I know it's frustrating watching a good company being destroyed by a bunch of Jokers and Clowns.

        The only thing that made working at UL worthwhile was the large group of dedicated staff who did the best they could under impossible conditions. I'm proud to have worked with such dedicated, honest and honourable people. I'm even prouder to call some of them my friends.

        At the end of the day - all I was able to do was to make sure that my flights were operated in a safe and efficient manner. My record at the Airline speaks for itself.

        AirCeylon - Take pride in the knowledge you did your job to the best of your abilities.

        Just ran the numbers - they seem to be on the low side. I think UL absorbed some of the costs associated with these flights. I think some costs must have been paid by other parties.

        200+ 5* hotel rooms @400/night already comes to $80,000/night.

        A340 operating cost is between $12,000 - $15,000 for every flight hour.

        The article misses the flight to the British Virgin Islands to try and get the Commonwealth Games for Hambantota.

        My info is that this flight included a dance troupe and a toddy stand (WTF?).

        My info is that the entire Lisbon/Cuba/Rio/Jo'Berg flight was flown with a UL aircraft. It was gone for almost 2 weeks. Complete crews had to be positioned to Lisbon and Johannesberg. This comes from one of the people who flew a part of this trip.

        While it's good this is being exposed - it's just another in a long list of corruption and abuse of power. Nothing is done with the information.

        When is there going to be a full investigation and some accountability

        (Apologies for the language - you may have noticed this is a subject I feel strongly about!)
        Thanks a lot for your words bro... appraciate it a lot! Yes i did my job well and I'm happy about it.... but the bad thing is when who was not here to see all those issues now blaming that the UL571 was a completly failed flight ect..... It should say to who was there in city offices in commercial side.... We applied the rules given from commercial offices...

        Due to missing aircrafts we had to operated some flights also with Blue Panorama Airlines.... the situation was the same like Luz air....Srilankans wants to fly with Srilankan Airlines... even the flight is old or no ptv's....

        I can remember the first AOG flight in MXP due to F/O seat... we had to delay the AC to 2.30 am local time of the next day waiting the spare part from Airbus with LH flight from MUC. So as per UL regulations imemdiatly we sent transit CMB-FCO pax to LIN from MXP. All other MXP-CMB pax were given Hotac. Other pax were repro with OAL.... During the second boarding I was slapped by a Srilankan pax and the Others were there to film and making photos saying bad words and mentioning my mother...... I had to wear an orthopedic collar for two weeks and no one was there to ask me "are you ok?" and no actions were taken againt the pax...!!!! I lost more than 300 Eur for an advocate as per italian privacy policy.....Even the pax was on-board my flight I'm not able to get pax informations... I had just informations in our Mars system....

        Regarding the second article about ex president's flights they missed the FCO-MXP leg...4R-ADE was parked here in MXP for one or two days until he departed....


        • Rajapaksa’s sky jack of Sri Lankan flights : Rs 785M for three years

          Former President, Mahinda Rajapaksa, spent more than Rs. 785 million within three years to charter SriLankan Airlines aircraft for his visits abroad, documents obtained by the Sunday Times show. The airbuses would often remain idle in various airports until Mr Rajapaksa finished his tours. SriLankan has billed his office a total of Rs 785,079,185 for 90 aircraft movements in 2012, 2013 and 2014. This figure does not reflect other multiple costs such as crew accommodation. These expenses were often met by Sri Lanka’s diplomatic missions abroad.

          Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa being welcomed in Tokyo after he arrived there on a SriLankan Airlines flight

          Mr Rajapaksa usually flew on one of two Airbus A340s owned by SriLankan. Their registration numbers are 4R-ADG(a 243-seater) and 4R-ADE (a 299-seater). These long-haul aircraft are the largest the company operates. The respective airbus would be unavailable to other paying passengers whenever Mr. Rajapaksa hired it. This could mean several days.

          Full read


          • Originally posted by Srilankan1 View Post
            Rajapaksa’s sky jack of Sri Lankan flights : Rs 785M for three years
            On the other hand, countries who have much bigger bank balance have seen their Head of State / PM flying commercial, on their own national carrier, example - Singapore, even though Singapore Air force has a F-50 kitted for quick conversion to VIP Travel, rarely they use it, unless it is for defense related meetings.

            Heck, the Singapore Ministers fly LCC to regional meetings, as long as it is Tiger Air or 3K (SIN)

            I wonder why they couldn't do with a leased 320 or 737, like how the British PM has been seen on occasions.

            Then again, when the national carrier UL is their private taxi, why miss the chance to fly the flag ?

            And maybe they can harp on the security needs for such a large group - you never know how they morally justified stuff like that.


            • Originally posted by flylanka View Post
              UL does not need A350-900XWB. Current route and business profile does not justify it.
              Yes I agree with you, but UL will have to pay significant penalties to Airbus in order to cancel the 350 order, or even modify the order to other Airbus aircraft types. As such UL could be better off financially to maintain the order as is. I could be wrong though.


              • Originally posted by ejanson65 View Post

                I feel your pain - UL should be a profitable Airline. Instead we have a total clusterf*ck

                I also watched things turn to sh*t after the GOSL took over the Airline. I know it's frustrating watching a good company being destroyed by a bunch of Jokers and Clowns.
                To make matters worse they went on a gigantic propaganda campaign against all the privatizations done during the previous governments calling it "selling them" "treachery" etc. Fooling the population and legitimatizing their actions and eventually whitewashing corruption ,mismanagement as well.
                Some Nationalist self-proclaimed patriots are still against any kind of privatization

                Thanks to them the current PM or the president will be hesitant to attempt something like that again and MR is also returning, getting rid of him is impossible

                He has already started the Mattala lie again.

                "They called me a thief for protecting the country from the most powerful and cruelest terrorists and constructing airports and for giving employment to 1.5 million in the public sector. They branded me as a fraudster for launching hundreds of development projects round the country," he said.
                - See more at:


                • Originally posted by Godofpower View Post
                  To make matters worse they went on a gigantic propaganda campaign against all the privatizations done during the previous governments calling it "selling them" "treachery" etc. Fooling the population and legitimatizing their actions and eventually whitewashing corruption ,mismanagement as well.
                  Some Nationalist self-proclaimed patriots are still against any kind of privatization
                  After all, isnt' SLFP about socialism - state owns everything

                  Anyway, about the EK venture, they had a bit of truth, EK was milking UL, but EK was also maximising profit, so they can take out profit (that's twisting the truth anyway .. )

                  Now EK won't be able to milk if they ran UL at a loss right ?

                  Unfortunately, the above can be seen as good, in terns of profitable (so the partners get to make money) - as as robbery of state assets - alas, most naive believe that EK was robbing - so they rid the robbers, but they forgot the part where EK was making UL profitable -

                  And that EK was stealing pilots, yep, that too works fine to convince common man that it was robbery of talent - but in reality, UL was being flown by qualified and experienced pilots, without whom, EK too stood to lose their credibility if something bad was to happen !
                  Last edited by ecureilx; 21-07-2015, 08:13 AM.


                  • Originally posted by ecureilx View Post
                    And that EK was stealing pilots, yep, that too works fine to convince common man that it was robbery of talent - but in reality, UL was being flown by qualified and experienced pilots, without whom, EK too stood to lose their credibility if something bad was to happen !
                    Just a correction...there was a moratorium...i.e. when EK was managing UL...UL staff cannot apply or recruited by EK...This moratorium was put in place by EK...Soon after EK announce that they are not interested in continue UL managment; after acrimonious divorce...EK lift the moratorium and cancelled all code share flights


                    • Originally posted by Speedbird View Post
                      Just a correction...there was a moratorium...i.e. when EK was managing UL...UL staff cannot apply or recruited by EK...This moratorium was put in place by EK...Soon after EK announce that they are not interested in continue UL managment; after acrimonious divorce...EK lift the moratorium and cancelled all code share flights
                      This is correct. As soon as the moratorium was lifted the talent left UL en-mass, mostly to join EK.

                      There were also allegations that EK actively poached some of the best talent.


                      • Originally posted by AviatorSN View Post
                        Oh yeah and I heard that ALO will be touching SriLankan soil by the end of this month or the first week of August. Probably on the 1st but I'm not precisely sure.
                        4R-ALO (F-WWYO/1650) flew the first test flight at TLS-TLS today around 10:20am. I heard 4R ALO is City of Senkadagalapura.


                        • Originally posted by banuthev View Post
                          Hi Digitalairliners, I am quite surprised why 4R-ALO was still inside the production hall on 5th July because this aircraft supposed to be delivered to Colombo by the end of this July. May be since 22nd June, 4R-ALO was getting the engines and the interiors/seats. Still no sign of first test flight of 4R-ALO. Is it normal aircraft does the first test flight after receiving the interiors? any update on msn1650 & 1669?
                          Yes not unusual to have interiors and then fly.

                          1650 flew today (21st) so would think mid August a more likely delivery date if not delayed by French holidays.
                          1669 was seen 15th July on flight line at TLS , the person who saw it does not comment that the tail was painted.

                          1668 F-WWCC Hong Kong Airlines, primer/tail painted
                          1669 F-WWCO SriLankan Airlines, primer
                          1671 F-WWTJ Garuda Indonesia, primer/tail painted


                          • Originally posted by Cayman View Post
                            There were also allegations that EK actively poached some of the best talent.
                            And seriously, what is wrong with that ??

                            Some folks must get real.

                            Well, tell me, How Many Asian carriers have 100% natives in their crew ?

                            If UL wanted to retain top talent, then they must pay for it- and which means, they need to make a profit, which mean ..

                            Ah, well, never mind ..


                            • Originally posted by ecureilx View Post
                              And seriously, what is wrong with that ??
                              There is nothing wrong with that

                              I mentioned all that to counter the argument that while EK was managing UL, they poached staff.

                              I have always been a vocal proponent of the EK's management of UL, because that really was the golden era of UL as we know it. Not only were they profitable, they were a genuinely good airline to fly as well. I used to fly them several times a month between DXB-KWI those days.

                              Since the unfortunate incident that lead to the firing of Peter Hill and EK abandoning UL, they have fallen off the cliff and never recovered.


                              • Originally posted by Cayman View Post
                                This is correct. As soon as the moratorium was lifted the talent left UL en-mass, mostly to join EK.

                                There were also allegations that EK actively poached some of the best talent.
                                Very few Pilots joined Emirates - those that left mostly joined Etihad with a few going to Qatar and Air Arabia.
                                Always fly a stable approach - it's the only stability you'll find this business

