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Sri Lanka Aviation

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  • Originally posted by channa View Post
    If previous government managed it properly this would not have happened. No point of blaming Ranil. Government cannot bear huge losses any more.
    The previous government may have started the meddling. But Ranil & co have no problem continuing with it.


    • Originally posted by Srilankan1 View Post
      So those aircrafts will have pia livery??
      Now 4R-ALN to get a new PIA livery by PIA Engineering Facility.


      • Originally posted by A330LOVE View Post
        Ranil is a idiot,first he removed the European destinations next he sold off the A330s,
        Something has to give as the government is reportedly almost bankrupt, the aircrafts were leased above market rates and the routes were loss making. Such decisions may not be popular but sometimes tough decisions need to be made. Unless your willing to fund UL to continue loss making routes, we all have to make a sacrifice. That said the government if they were serious could've turned this ship around by installing experienced foreign management last year (like what Malaysia did at MH).

        Nevertheless I wouldn't be surprised to see these aircraft back under a new owner at UL.
        Last edited by lordvader; 07-08-2016, 02:19 AM.


        • Originally posted by banuthev View Post
          Now 4R-ALN to get a new PIA livery by PIA Engineering Facility.
          Will they change the registration number?


          • Originally posted by lordvader View Post
            Something has to give as the government is reportedly almost bankrupt, the aircrafts were leased above market rates and the routes were loss making. Such decisions may not be popular but sometimes tough decisions need to be made. Unless your willing to fund UL to continue loss making routes, we all have to make a sacrifice. That said the government if they were serious could've turned this ship around by installing experienced foreign management last year (like what Malaysia did at MH).

            Nevertheless I wouldn't be surprised to see these aircraft back under a new owner at UL.
            As much as it pains me you are correct about sub-leasing the aircraft to deal with the above market rate leases. But the reason people are angry is because the previous government and the henchmen who made these deals are still out and about enjoying their lives, spending money they embezzled from these deals. If they were behind bars, making sacrifices would be a whole lot easier. But so far the people have suffered (and I'm not talking only about aviation here) while the crooks openly laugh at the governments face. That is why A330LOVE is correct in saying that Ranil is an idiot.


            • Originally posted by TheF15Ace View Post
              As much as it pains me you are correct about sub-leasing the aircraft to deal with the above market rate leases. But the reason people are angry is because the previous government and the henchmen who made these deals are still out and about enjoying their lives, spending money they embezzled from these deals. If they were behind bars, making sacrifices would be a whole lot easier. But so far the people have suffered (and I'm not talking only about aviation here) while the crooks openly laugh at the governments face. That is why A330LOVE is correct in saying that Ranil is an idiot.
              Well putting them behind bars would make RW and MS very unpopular in the parliament during the next election........maybe he isn't an idiot after all


              • Originally posted by TheF15Ace View Post
                As much as it pains me you are correct about sub-leasing the aircraft to deal with the above market rate leases. But the reason people are angry is because the previous government and the henchmen who made these deals are still out and about enjoying their lives, spending money they embezzled from these deals. If they were behind bars, making sacrifices would be a whole lot easier. But so far the people have suffered (and I'm not talking only about aviation here) while the crooks openly laugh at the governments face. That is why A330LOVE is correct in saying that Ranil is an idiot.
                What people need to understand is that the Politicians are all involved in Racketeering.

                There may well be Politicians who are not actively involved - but they know what is going on and choose to not act. That's the best case scenario!

                When was the last time a Politician was convicted in Sri Lanka? I've heard it was in the 1950's
                Last edited by ejanson65; 07-08-2016, 07:30 AM. Reason: Grammar correction
                Always fly a stable approach - it's the only stability you'll find this business


                • Originally posted by dilushasg-bdavi View Post
                  Well putting them behind bars would make RW and MS very unpopular in the parliament during the next election........maybe he isn't an idiot after all
                  The chances of MS and RW being re-elected are getting the slimmer by the day. The people who voted for MR on Jan 8 still mostly support him. A good number of people who voted for MS on Jan 8th and RW on Aug 17th...... not so much.

                  Half the parliament hates their guts anyway, so same scenario there. He has nothing to lose by locking up the cronies (starting preferably with Nishantha Wickramasinghe)

                  Btw last time I checked securing another term in office is not in his job description
                  Last edited by TheF15Ace; 07-08-2016, 08:04 AM.


                  • Originally posted by Azamh View Post
                    Will they change the registration number?
                    4R-ALN will be flying with Sri Lanka's registration because it's on 6 months wet lease.


                    • Originally posted by banuthev View Post
                      4R-ALN will be flying with Sri Lanka's registration because it's on 6 months wet lease.
                      Any info on how many tech and cabin crew members are part of this deal and what their arrangement will be?


                      • It's been recently reported, Emirates is not permanently cancelling Daily x CMB-SIN route. In short, service is temporary not available on this sector for 3-month period, instead of permanent.


                        • Originally posted by banuthev View Post
                          4R-ALN will be flying with Sri Lanka's registration because it's on 6 months wet lease.
                          Will it come back to UL or will it be taken by AerCap after 6 months?


                          • Originally posted by dilushasg-bdavi View Post
                            Will it come back to UL or will it be taken by AerCap after 6 months?
                            UL leased 4R-ALN from HKAC on 12 Years lease. So it will comeback to UL if PIA decide not to extend the wetlease.


                            • Originally posted by banuthev View Post
                              It's been recently reported, Emirates is not permanently cancelling Daily x CMB-SIN route. In short, service is temporary not available on this sector for 3-month period, instead of permanent.
                              Extremely glad that they aren't cancelling this route
                              -Aaqib Hussain
                              (Aviation Analyst | Content Creator)


                              • Originally posted by MalaysiaMustafa View Post
                                It might be something related to MJ phase out and UL is not interested in taking over CMB-CGK route?
                                I strongly think that UL should continue operating the CGK route even after the phase out of the MJ brand as this route has a lot of potential with many Lankan's making use of the VOA facility at Indonesia resulting in most flights being full.

                                As MJ currently operates a daily flight, i presume RW's ideas are to boost competition on this sector quite similarly to the CMB-DAC route currently dominated by MJ that would see BD commencing operations in the near future.
                                -Aaqib Hussain
                                (Aviation Analyst | Content Creator)

