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Sri Lanka Aviation

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  • Colombo-bound flight halted on runway after technical glitch at Chennai airport

    The aircraft, carrying 168 passengers and 8 crew members, was set to depart from Chennai airport at 9.40 am
    Originally posted by Serendib View Post

    Aircraft Rego?

    Glitch was on UL122 operated by 4R-ALL. Worrying to see only 168 pax in A333. Normally UL121/2 is a full flight.

    Do we know why 4R-ALH is not active?


    • Originally posted by banuthev View Post

      Yes UL did have a leased 767 (CS-TQI) from Jul10 to Sep10 were used on UL-routes such as FCO, MXP & SIN. Operated by Luzair.

      Just for my knowledge, do you know which complexities would add for UL when adding boeing aircraft to the fleet ? Since UL have been using only Airbus fleet for such a long time, Any possibilities Boeing would give better deals to UL to make them as their customer?​
      -pilot and maintenance experience on boeing aircraft(+training)
      -F/A experience on boeing aircraft
      -both types of aircraft needing parts that are different from each other
      -crew scheduling
      spotting Y-12s and helicopters from my home..


      • Originally posted by n863gt View Post

        -pilot and maintenance experience on boeing aircraft(+training)
        -F/A experience on boeing aircraft
        -both types of aircraft needing parts that are different from each other
        -crew scheduling

        I still see Airbus still have 4x A350-900s for SriLankan Airlines in the orderbook. Any idea what plans UL got for taking the delivery or converting to some other widebody Airbus aircraft?

        Airbus releases commercial results in a monthly “Orders and Deliveries” report, which lists all firm aircraft transactions.


        • Originally posted by WizzWaveSien View Post

          Great news! do you have a date on when she would be entering into service? I heard it was next week, is this true?

          Any update of 8D to KUL? Do you know when they will begin flights to KUL?
          No updates for now, Date is not yet fixed since lot more work to be done.


          • Originally posted by n863gt View Post

            that's great news. did it do an EGR yet?(couldn't find activity in FR24.)
            Actually still many testing are on ongoing!


            • Originally posted by banuthev View Post

              Hi Maw, Do you know when 4R-EXR going to arrive back in CMB from HYD?
              Could not get any info regarding this!


              • Originally posted by banuthev View Post

                Yes UL did have a leased 767 (CS-TQI) from Jul10 to Sep10 were used on UL-routes such as FCO, MXP & SIN. Operated by Luzair.

                Just for my knowledge, do you know which complexities would add for UL when adding boeing aircraft to the fleet ? Since UL have been using only Airbus fleet for such a long time, Any possibilities Boeing would give better deals to UL to make them as their customer?​

                little answer from my end!

                UL will never add Boeing Aircraft (Or any other, except Airbus) (Never : within next 5 years) to the fleet.
                Assumptions :
                1. Adding Boeing Aircrafts make the Engineering facilities, requirements complex, since UL wants to maintain their fleet by their own hands, saves money.
                2. If UL adds Boeing Aircrafts, many certifications from the manufacturer, EASA, ICAO, CAA, FAA are required, and needs to maintain a separate Warehouse, Hangars, Tools and equipment which needs huge capital cost.
                3. Crew Training : UL have to train their Crew both, Flight Deck, Cabin and Engineering crew separately, and operate them separately which makes complexities on Crew scheduling and HR management, recruitment.
                Bcz of above reasons, UL won't add Boeing or even Embraer Aircrafts to the fleet, since UL is struggling with their finance. (for next 10 years for sure) Additionally, Boeing's problematic situation with regulators, suppliers and staff will make UL an All Airbus operator for a long period.

                Thank You,
                Last edited by MAW2000; 22-02-2025, 03:25 PM.


                • 8D (EXV) will have another ACMI operations in middle east with a major carrier (Etihad probably), for this 4R-EXQ or 4R-EXR will operate.


                  • Originally posted by MAW2000 View Post


                    little answer from my end!

                    UL will never add Boeing Aircraft (Or any other, except Airbus) (Never : within next 5 years) to the fleet.
                    Assumptions :
                    1. Adding Boeing Aircrafts make the Engineering facilities, requirements complex, since UL wants to maintain their fleet by their own hands, saves money.
                    2. If UL adds Boeing Aircrafts, many certifications from the manufacturer, EASA, ICAO, CAA, FAA are required, and needs to maintain a separate Warehouse, Hangars, Tools and equipment which needs huge capital cost.
                    3. Crew Training : UL have to train their Crew both, Flight Deck, Cabin and Engineering crew separately, and operate them separately which makes complexities on Crew scheduling and HR management, recruitment.
                    Bcz of above reasons, UL won't add Boeing or even Embraer Aircrafts to the fleet, since UL is struggling with their finance. (for next 10 years for sure) Additionally, Boeing's problematic situation with regulators, suppliers and staff will make UL an All Airbus operator for a long period.

                    Thank You,
                    this explains it better than me, thanks MAW2000
                    spotting Y-12s and helicopters from my home..


                    • Originally posted by MAW2000 View Post

                      Actually still many testing are on ongoing!
                      oh yeah, it didn't fly for nearly 1 year(or more than that). thanks..
                      spotting Y-12s and helicopters from my home..


                      • Originally posted by banuthev View Post


                        I still see Airbus still have 4x A350-900s for SriLankan Airlines in the orderbook. Any idea what plans UL got for taking the delivery or converting to some other widebody Airbus aircraft?

                        did UL order 8 A359s?
                        because 4R-XWA to 4R-XWD were delivered to 3U instead of UL
                        spotting Y-12s and helicopters from my home..


                        • Originally posted by n863gt View Post

                          did UL order 8 A359s?
                          because 4R-XWA to 4R-XWD were delivered to 3U instead of UL
                          Yes UL ordered 8 A359s. First 3 ordered on lease from Aercap and one ordered on lease from ALC were cancelled back in 2017 by paying penalty $105 mn.

                          I believe the remaining four airframes directly ordered from Airbus are still not been built, order-converted or cancelled till now. Please some one correct me if I am wrong.


                          • Originally posted by banuthev View Post

                            Yes UL ordered 8 A359s. First 3 ordered on lease from Aercap and one ordered on lease from ALC were cancelled back in 2017 by paying penalty $105 mn.

                            I believe the remaining four airframes directly ordered from Airbus are still not been built, order-converted or cancelled till now. Please some one correct me if I am wrong.
                            maybe the orders are on hold(I think that's possible) because
                            a) UL might (not) have sufficient funds to buy the jets outright
                            b) CMB and UL personnel are not yet undergone certification on the type
                            correct if wrong though~
                            spotting Y-12s and helicopters from my home..


                            • Originally posted by n863gt View Post

                              maybe the orders are on hold(I think that's possible) because
                              a) UL might (not) have sufficient funds to buy the jets outright
                              b) CMB and UL personnel are not yet undergone certification on the type
                              correct if wrong though~
                              By reading the below statement from UL CEO, I feel we won't be able to see A350 or A339s in the fleet until end of the year 2030. Hence why UL may planned for A333/2s to be wetleased for 6/8 years as temp solution.

                              Like A333s orders back in 2013/2014, UL may do sale and lease back the aircraft that were ordered directly from Airbus.

                              Is it good idea UL renegotiating with the lessor for the lease agreement to be extended of the current 7 x A333s until 2030 to ease the pressure?

                              But he cautioned that the leasing space was intensely competitive and that the target fleet number may not be reached. Nuttall also highlighted that longer-term, SriLankan would need to start thinking about replacing its A330 fleet.

                              "Depending on where we get the financing, we may go back out to market and try and work out what the long-term fleet is and start morphing into that," he said. "But in the short term, it's all about leasing and what's available."

                              SriLankan Airlines is presently an all-Airbus operator with a fleet of seven A320-200s, two A320-200Ns, four A321-200Ns, two A330-200s, and seven A330-300s.​

                              "You're not going to be wanting to fly A330s when you get to the end of the 2030s," Nuttall said. "So what's the new aircraft? Is it the A330-900N? Is it the A350? Is it the B787? That's when you really start talking to Airbus and Boeing, and the opportunity then is there for Boeing to say, well you can transition the whole fleet with our really good deal."

                              The Sri Lankan government has proposed handing LKR20 billion rupees (USD67.5 million) to SriLankan Airlines (UL, Colombo International) to repay loans and make...


                              • SriLankan Airlines to increase its fleet to 51 aircraft by 2030: Deputy Minister

                                ​Colombo, Feb 25 (Daily Mirror) - SriLankan Airlines is slated to increase its fleet to 51 aircraft from the current level of 22, Deputy Minister of Finance Harshana Suriyapperuma told Parliament today.

                                "The national carrier is looking towards obtaining six propeller aircraft for domestic and for short haul International routes," the Deputy Minister said.

                                The airline hopes to increase its revenue up to US dollars 2,013 million in the financial year 2029/30. It has earned a revune of US dollars 876 million during the financial year 2024/25 according to the Deputy Minister.

                                SriLankan Airlines to increase its fleet to 51 aircraft by 2030: Deputy Minister - Breaking News | Daily Mirror
                                ​SriLankan Airlines to increase its fleet to 51 aircraft by 2030: Deputy Minister. "The national carrier is looking towards obtaining six propeller aircraft for domestic and for short haul International routes," the Deputy Minister said.

